Welcome to the Summer Slim Down Challenge! There are three steps to getting started in this Challenge:
- Schedule Your Consultation
- Schedule Your Workouts
- Download the Meal Plans
This page provides instructions, materials, and advice to guide you through the program. You can also, visit our FAQ here if you don’t see the answer to your questions on this page. And feel free to reach out to us if you have ANY questions or concerns:
STEP 1: Schedule Your Consultation
Before your program start date, we will meet one-on-one to discuss your goals, go over the meal plans, review any questions or concerns you have, and conduct an optional body fat analysis (see below for the pre-test protocol, which may affect when you schedule the consultation). This gives us the opportunity to get to know you and help guide you through the program.
Email us today to set up your one-on-one consultation. Please include the best days and times for you to meet.
Pro Tip: Do the InBody Test. Even if it seems scary to know your numbers, once you start feeling stronger and fitter you’ll want a basis for comparison. We hear this all the time from challenge participants!
InBody Testing
Body fat testing is available by appointment only with Dillon or Rachel. We require that the test be conducted before you start training with us so the “before” information is as accurate as possible!
To prepare for your body fat analysis test, please follow these instructions:
- Do not eat for 4 hours prior to testing
- Do not exercise 12 hours prior to testing
- Do not consume alcohol for 24 hours prior to testing
- Hydrate well the day before
- Do not drink caffeine on the day of your test
- Insure access to both feet with removable footwear (no socks or pantyhose)
- Wear tight clothing or very little clothing. Clothing is attributed to your lean body mass (muscle)
- Women: sports bra, bra and lycra shorts.
- Men: Lycra shorts or shorter shorts (not baggy), no shirt.
- Do not wear jewelry- all jewelry will have to be removed prior to testing
- Do not put lotion on your hands and feet
- Do not exercise or take a shower before measurement
- Measure after standing for at least 5 minutes
- For females, avoid having measurement during menstrual period as total body water will be higher than normal
Click here to learn more about our body fat testing service and equipment.
STEP 2: Schedule Your Workouts
Your Summer Slim Down registration includes an unlimited 21 or 42 day pass to The Fitness Lab’s Team Training sessions. There is no set schedule for Summer Slim Down Challenge workouts and we encourage you to attend classes that work best with your schedule so you can get the most out of the challenge. We recommend that participants attend class 4-5 times a week to see the best results. Please allow more than 12 hours between a workout to allow yourself to recover – Rest is an important component to building muscle! So if you’re attending a 6:30pm class on Wednesday, we don’t recommend attending a 6am class the next day.
Pro Tip: Schedule all your workouts before starting the program. Even if your schedule changes throughout the program, scheduling workouts in advance not only guarantees you a spot in class, it’s a proven success strategy to sticking with a workout program!
Team Training Session Times
We offer 55 minute (unless otherwise noted) Team Training classes several times a day that you can select from:
- Monday
- 6:00am Everyday Athlete (Beginner/Intermediate)
- 10:00am Everyday Athlete (Beginner)
- 6:30pm Body Revolution (Beginner/Intermediate)
- 6:00am Everyday Athlete (Beginner/Intermediate)
- Tuesday
- 6:00am Body Revolution (Beginner/Intermediate)
- 10:00am Body Revolution (Beginner/Intermediate)
- 6:30pm Body Revolution (Beginner/Intermediate)
- 6:00am Body Revolution (Beginner/Intermediate)
- Wednesday
- 6:00am Everyday Athlete (Beginner/Intermediate)
- 10:00am Everyday Athlete (Beginner)
- 6:30pm Body Revolution (Beginner/Intermediate)
- 6:00am Everyday Athlete (Beginner/Intermediate)
- Thursday
- 6:00am Body Revolution (Beginner/Intermediate)
- 10:00am Body Revolution (Beginner/Intermediate)
- 6:30pm Body Revolution (Beginner/Intermediate)
- 6:00am Body Revolution (Beginner/Intermediate)
- Friday
- 6:00am Finish Strong Friday (Intermediate)
- 10:00am Finish Strong Friday (Intermediate)
- 6:00am Finish Strong Friday (Intermediate)
- Saturday
- 8:00am Body Revolution (45 min, Beginner)
- 8:00am Body Revolution (45 min, Beginner)
Small Group Training (SGT) Session Times
If you signed up for the 6-session SGT package, you can also select from the following 50-minute, SGT session times:
- Monday: 8:00am, 11:00am, 4:00pm, 5:30pm
- Tuesday: 7:30am, 11:00am, 5:30pm
- Wednesday: 8:00am, 11:00am, 4:00pm, 5:30pm
- Thursday: 7:30am, 11:00am, 5:30pm
- Friday: 8:00am, 11:00am, 4:00pm
- Saturday: 10:00am, 11:00am
If you’re new or returning to exercise, we recommend starting the Summer Slim Down program with SGT sessions. This is the best environment to learn new movements and for your coaches to customize the workouts for your goals.
Participants schedule must classes through our online scheduling system, Wellness Living. See below if you need your username and password.
Attending Class
- Your First Session: Plan to be a few minutes early to fill out our waiver if you missed our Open House.
- Always sign up for class on Wellness Living. Classes may fill up.
- Please be punctual! Your coaches adjust the plan for each workout depending on who shows up. Also you don’t want to miss the warm up, it’s super important for your body!
- Bring water! Hydration is key to having a good workout and a healthy body. We also have a drinking fountain and have water available for purchase.
- Be nourished. We don’t recommend eating a full meal right before a workout, but you want to make sure you’ve eaten something small recently, within an hour or two of the workout so you have plenty of energy. A Quest bar, a piece of fruit, anything that agrees with your stomach.
- What to Wear: We recommend that you wear athletic shoes, socks, clothes you can move in and you feel comfortable sweating in. You’ll be jogging, bending, reaching, twisting and lifting – so be prepared to move! If you need more guidance, the folks at Super Jock ‘N Jill by Greenlake are very knowledgeable and friendly.
- Warm Up: We have several pieces of cardio equipment that you are welcome to warm up on before class, and we encourage you to use a foam roller to massage and loosen tight muscles. If you don’t have time to warm up before class don’t worry, we always have a dynamic warm up that will get you loosened up in no time!
- During Class: Listen to your coach, do your best, push yourself, but don’t push too hard. Ask questions, go at your own pace, listen to your body, if you need to rest, rest. Make friends, encourage your teammates, and most importantly, HAVE FUN!
- After Class: We have two private showers for your use, stocked with EO body products and towels for your convenience. Also it’s a good idea to bring a small snack to eat after a workout, a piece of fruit, a handful of nuts, or a Quest Bar. Drink more water to replenish fluids lost during the workout.
- If you’re sore, take a bath with epsom salts, stretch, use a foam roller. DO expect some soreness, especially in the beginning of the program. DON’T be discouraged! Everyone gets sore, it’s part of getting stronger!
Using Wellness Living
We use an online scheduling platform called Wellness Living to manage our class schedules. We have created an account for you, all you have to do is follow the directions below to start scheduling sessions:
You may have already received an email from our scheduling system, Wellness Living, containing information about setting up your account. If you have already selected a password and have access, then you can proceed to step 2!
- Click here to login
- Enter your email address (the one you used to sign up for the program)
- Enter your temporary password: password1 (you will want to change this!)
After logging in you will be in your Wellness Living Profile.
- Schedule sessions by selecting the “Book Now” tab in the top menu.
- You can reserve a spot up to 30 minutes before class if the spot is available.
- Always cancel if you are not coming so your reserved spot opens for other people.
- To cancel or change any booked sessions, log into your Wellness Living account.
- Upcoming sessions can be managed in the “My Schedule” section.
STEP 3: Download the Meal Plans
Eating clean is a key component of a healthy lifestyle and of our 21 Day Challenge Program. What does it mean to “eat clean?” There are many definitions, but to us it’s eating whole foods, minimizing processed foods, chemicals, and refined sugars. How much you need to eat depends on your activity level, current weight, weight loss goals, gender, and a variety of other factors.
We have provided 21 days of meal plans that offer basic healthy choices for women and men. If you need assistance modifying the plans to meet your needs, please reach out to us! We are not nutritionists, but we can offer some helpful suggestions. Also, our recent blog post on how to have a successful challenge offers some great tips!
Also, please note that these plans are intended to provide guidance, not necessarily to be followed exactly. Substitute with your favorite foods and adjust for your allergies or specific dietary needs. The plans are fairly low in calories but are a good starting point. We suggest that if you feel hungry, low energy, grumpy or otherwise tapped out to add in a handful of nuts or a yogurt as a snack. And you can always eat more fruits and vegetables! Overall we want you to be sustained and nourished, not hungry and tired. If you’re concerned about the amount of calories you’re eating and expending, you can try tracking your calories and activity with a mobile app or online platform, like MyFitnessPal. Whatever is helpful to you!
Meal Plans for Women
Click the links to download the PDF documents.
Meal Plans for Men
Click the links to download the PDF documents.