I want to take a moment to thank everyone who took the time to participate in our recent TFL survey.
In the process some of you shared some of your questions/concerns, hopes/dreams, or simply shared your kudos for a job well done. We always appreciate the input as it helps us to be the best we can be, and it helps us to create the experience you desire at TFL.
With that, reality sometimes imposes limitations. Those limitations make it so that we can’t always provide for each of your requests. No bad ideas in a brainstorm, but there usually is reason behind the madness.
What we can do is address some of the issues that were brought to our attention during the survey…
Class Warm Ups and Flexibility:
A comment was made to include time spent on flexibility. We aren’t sure if this meant the warmup or the cool down or specific exercises, but our approach includes flexibility (and mobility) during the warmup, the workout, and the cool down. Flexibility is not regulated to stretching but includes movement associated with the entire body. For example: the TRX Forward Lunge with OH Stretch – lunging forward will help your hip mobility and flexibility, the upward motion of the arms in the TRX will improve the stretch through your chest and shoulder complex.
We get it, sometimes it can be a little crowded with 7 or 8 people moving down the floor together. And while we try to keep people in their lanes, people do tend to drift 🙂 Our goal is to mix up the warm-ups and provide a little variety while warming up your muscles and joints properly. Anyone can always opt-out and use a water rower or bike to get warmed up. We encourage you to do so if you aren’t comfortable with the warm up that is being provided.
More cardio/core exercises to target the midsection:
All of our workouts target the core. That is one of the cornerstones of functional training, to improve core strength, movement, flexibility, and strength. Since there is no such thing as spot reduction and isolated muscle movements that are scientifically proven to be less advantageous, we utilize exercises that challenge the entire body to work as a unit. That’s how the body moves.
Open Gym:
Currently, all members have access to our Member Area at TFL. Unfamiliar? This is where the treadmill and elliptical are. We have free weights, balls, and mats available. You may use this area during our business hours.
We do not provide access to our main floor because we believe 100% in coached workouts to get the best results. In essence, it’s reserved primarily for 1-1 training or personal training (1-4 people).
Mix Up Workouts/Change Format:
Our team training sessions have a very basic format that most of you are very familiar with.
Body Revolution features 8 exercises/3 sets on a 40/15 work-to-rest interval.
Everyday Athlete features 6 exercises with a variety of sets (3 or 4) and work-to-rest intervals. We change the work-to-rest intervals monthly.
We run this format Monday – Thursday because it’s a simple template that allows us the flexibility we need to run efficient sessions.
Finish Strong Friday & Metcon Lite/X – The format for FSF is variable and we adjust the sets and work-to-rest ratios based on the work members have been doing all week. FSF was created to implement a variety of sets and many work-to-rest variables.
Metcon X is our hardest workout of the week, Metcon Lite is an easier version with shorter work periods. The format that we use for these sessions is appropriate for once a week, based on our training model. The work required for MetCon X, if you are working close to max capacity, would not be recommended for more than 1 session per week.
Think of MetCon X in the same context as a college or pro football game on the weekend. There’s a reason they only play once a week. The body may not be able to handle the repeated stress and would start to break down: tweaks, nagging injuries, fatigue and inability to recover quickly which all lead to bigger injuries or issues with your health. Working at that high intensity work rate is unsustainable long term and unless you’re a high performance athlete, there is no need for that kind of work more than 1 time per week.
Our Goals:
- Do not injure members. The limited number of exercises allows us to provide the needed modifications and progressions to complement a wide variety of individuals and specific needs. This way we can keep a close eye on individuals and address form/technique quickly.
- Provide a safe environment. By limiting the number of exercises and selecting exercises that complement one another, we can create a safer environment to challenge yourself. We provide the proper modifications/progressions and we know how and when to coach you up.
- Make adjustments as needed based on the roster. We make class time adjustments daily. If a station is not working, we change it. We work to make it better or get rid of it. We make adjustments based on who is attending sessions to create the best workout possible for all participants.
- Rotating exercises. Megan is constantly tracking and rotating exercises throughout each week and month. She is writing workouts to progress throughout the week and through each month to guide you through the process of becoming stronger, more flexible, and more mobile. These changes are incremental and you may not notice them immediately. Over time, you should be able to see and feel the improvements of a consistent exercise program.
Tracking workouts, progress, and injuries
We received a few comments from people who want more accountability in the form of tracking workouts, progress, weigh-ins, and better communication between coaches regarding injuries.
- We created a new Strategy Session that you can sign up for under Appointments in Wellness Living. Choose a time that works for you and meet with us to discuss your goals, nutrition, your workouts, or anything else that is important to you.
- We have just supplied workout tracking sheets for your use. There are apps you can use, too. Our focus must be on watching form, technique, providing encouragement, and running sessions while paying attention to multiple people. We can’t be clipboard cowboys walking around tracking every weight and rep you do.
- Inbody Body Composition testing should be done every 3 months. Request your appointment online. This is one of our best options for consistently tracking your progress.
- Coaches communicate about injuries that members have and we do our best to stay on top of everything. We do need your help keeping us up to date with how you are doing because things constantly change – injuries improve or get worse, some days are better, some exercises are better, you have a good streak, then a minor setback, etc. Because things constantly change, we appreciate an update from you. We won’t know how you are doing on any given day unless you share with us
- Megan and Dillon are always available to sit down and talk to you about your nutrition, workouts, injuries, or just to chat about life. Request a Strategy Session online!
Plateaus and overcoming them
Unfortunately, we all hit plateaus in our fitness program. What can you do about it and how can you push through it?
- Take part in our monthly challenges. Our challenges are created to light a fire under your butt and they are “fun” to participate in.
- Get a MyZone HRM to track your workouts. Data is a great way to see your progress in real time.
- Sign up for a personal training session or a private session. Sometimes you need to switch it up or get help on specific exercise(s) to bust through. If you have an unlimited team training annual membership, there are 4 personal training sessions in your rewards package.
- Your coaches are always going to make suggestions in class for progressions, lifting heavier, or moving differently. If you don’t push yourself to try these suggestions or ask us for help, you will likely stay in the same place.
- Megan and Dillon are always available to talk to you about your program, to go over what you have been doing, your nutrition, your sleep patterns, and putting a plan together. Sign up for a Strategy Session to set up a time.
Additional questions and answers:
Why don’t you have a nutrition workshop?
This is a great idea, and we hope to put a workshop together soon. We have done this in the past but it has been a couple of years.
Why don’t you have punching bags?
We do have punching bags….laying on the floor.
- We did try to implement them in the past but it never took off.
- We don’t have enough room to have enough bags for a class.
- It requires a different skill set and we are not well suited for coaching this format. It’s not our forté.
We hope this addresses your most current questions. Feel free to email Dillon with any additional questions you may have.